Our School Administrative Policies

Absence Due to Illness:

If a child will miss school due to illness, a parent must notify the Classroom teacher by 9.A.M the parent may ask for missed work to made available for pick-up at the front desk at dismissal on that day only.

Children must be fever-free or on antibiotics for at least 24 hours before returning to school

Students who miss school due to illness should not enter the build-ing to pick up work and may not attend extracurricular activities the same day. In the interest of other students and the staff, we must limit chances for contagions to spread.

Office Phone number : 9948596361
Email: geethasrischool@gmail.com

Preplanned Absences:

There are three categories of preplanned absences.
Excused absence, work available ahead of time- truly exceptional circumstances such as medical emergencies or funeral services that require the family to leave town and the student to miss several days of schooL To the extent possible, please notify the school and request work one day in advance per day to be missed: Exceptions are things such as interactive lessons or group activities that cannot be repeated.
Excused absence, work not available ahead of time-weddings, family reunions, religious holidays, scheduled events related to outside-school activities. Etc. Here, parents have made a choice, and although there may be good reasons


Any student not in his or her desk and ready to begin at 8:45 is marked tardy. Tardiness is subject to the same policies as preplanned absences are, with one major difference: in cases of unexcused tardies, students may not be able to make up certain tests and quizzes (i.e. ones with oral components). A doctor's appointment is a good example of an excused tardy:

Early Dismissal:

In most cases of excused early dismissals, work will not be available ahead of time, but parents may ask in case it is. Students may be excused during the day for valid reasons, which must have prior written approval from the Director Parents should send a written request when the child needs to leave the school early and report to the front office to sign the child out. Parents are not to go directly to the child's classroom.


Please note that the school is not responsible for the loss of educational time due to leaving during the day.
Students in; grades I through 7 will be given regular and meaningful homework assignments. Students are expected to complete assign¬ments on time. Time spent by students on their home assignments should range from thirty minutes per day for 1st graders to three hours per day for those in the highest grades.

Field Trips:

Before any child can go on a school-sponsored field trip, a Field Trip Permission Form must be completed and signed by the student's parent and returned to the school. The forms will be sent home with the student when a fixed date for the field trip is set and will explain the destination, date, time, transportation used, and any fees that a parent will have to pay before or on the date of the field trip. Students without a signed form will not be allowed to participate in the field trip ;and must remain at home or the parent will be contacted to pick up a child who is at the school without a signed form on field trip day.


A treat may be sent in for the entire class on the day of celebration, provided the teacher has received prior notification in writing. Please check with the classroom teacher for the best choice of treats and any dietary restrictions and food allergies for the children in the class.

Student Progress:

Students will receive quarterly report cards. Mid-quarter interim reports will be sent as needed to notify parents of any difficulties or significant changes in the student's performance. In addition, parent-teacher con¬ferences will be scheduled with all parents in the month of Auguest. Other additional conferences may be initiated by the administration, teacher, or parent on an as-needed basis. Please note that all student records are confidential and Geetha Shri High School reserves the right to withhold records and recommendations if tuition and fees have not been paid in full accordance with the enrollment contract at the time report cards are completed
Requests for transcripts must be submitted in writing the front office. Processing will take up to 2 weeks.

Scheme of Evaluation:

Learners registered for the course will be evaluated on the basis of Continuous and comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)
Learners will be graded on a 9- point scale in scholastic and 5 point scale in co- scholastic areas

9 – Point Scale:

Marks range


Grade Point

























 20 and below



5 – Point Scale:


Grade Point











Morning Arrival:

Parents may drop off children beginning at 8:30 A.M (classes begin at 9:00). At least one staff member will be present and wait outside with the children until 8:45 AM when the school doors are opened and students may proceed to their classroom. A staff member will continue to help conduct traffic and move children along and into the school until 8:45 AM.

Afternoon Dismissal:

Dismissal is from 4:00 to 4:15, and Nursery classes will be at 3:15PM, unless otherwise stated Because the parking lot is too small to accommodate the majority of parents at once, dismissal can get congested To make things go as well as they can, please practice the following.
Please wait before the gates to receive children don't rush into school to receive children the staff will help you in receiving your child please be patient and courteous with staff and others. Everyone else is going through same thing.

Dress Regulations:

The dress code is an important extension of Geetha Shri High School's funda¬mental philosophy. Its conservative nature is not intended to smother individuality, but instead to help students focus more on academic endeavors. We encourage students to express their individuality through academic, athletic, and other personal achievements, not through style of dress. The dress code also fosters an atmosphere of self-respect and community pride. The dress code is not optional; it is required

All tops must have Geetha Shri High School visible on the front of the garment.

If a child is dressed in a fashion that is not in accordance with the dress code, the school may issue a verbal or written warning, remove the child from class until a parent brings appropriate attire to school, or send the child home with an unexcused absence.

Class attire:

  • Monday:Regular school uniform
  • Tuesday: Regular school uniform
  • Wednesday: Sports Dress
  • Thursday:White dress
  • Friday: Regular school uniform
  • Saturday:Sports Dress


  • Belts are required for all students.
  • Clothes must fit properly—not tight or loose—and
  • saintliness should be at the actual waist.
  • Hair must clean and combed and not covering the eyes.
  • Hair must be kept its natural colour.
  • No "extreme" hairdos—for example, no Mohawks. No hats indoors. Religious headwear is an exception.
  • No makeup or dangling earrings.
    Team uniforms are allowed to e worn during class on game days only.
    Saturdays are dress-down days; a notice explaining dress-down days goes out at the beginning of the school year.
  • Class Attire. Thursday.
    Thursday students may wear t-shirts in white colour

Field Trip Attire:

Unless otherwise stated, all dress code regulations apply (Friday field trips require that the school uniform for Monday through Friday be worn. Friday field trips attire will NOT be the dress-down attire. Some field trips may require special dress attire; you will be notified when and if that occurs).

If a medical emergency arises at school, parents shall be noti-fied as soon as possible.:

Parents must immediately report to the front office all contagious conditions affecting their child. Students with fever, vomiting, or contagious ailments may not remain in school For the child to be allowed to return to school, he/she must remain fever-free or be on antibiotics for at least 24 hours. If a child becomes sick at school, a parent or other designated person will be called to arrange for immediate pickup. It is essential that we be notified when your primary email address changes and/or phone number changes.
General Expectations of Students
Every student should seek to exhibit the following personal qualities:
Personal integrity
Responsibility for self and others
Students must behave thoughtfully and respectfully in their relation¬ships with classmates, teachers, and other staff.
The school will act to discipline any student in violation of the expectations above.


1. They must attend school to discuss about their child as and when called,
2. Geetha Shri, requests talented parents to participate in school Academic and Cultural activities voluntarily. They can encourage and promote student talents. For this they must apply to the management and get permission to involve in the school activities.

Discipline - Policies and Consequences for Infractions:

As stated under GENERAL EXPECTATION OF STUDENTS, the school expects that all students will exhibit personal integrity, responsibility for self and property, and respect for self and others. All behavior falls under these three general categories. Teachers will work with students to help them understand and practice these character traits and the school expects that parents will do so as well Below we list modes of conduct that constitute Geetha Shri policy regarding student behavior while at school Please be aware however that if a certain behaviour is not specificially covered here, that does not necessarily mean that is it permissible. The School, at its discretion, reserves the right to decide if other behaviors constitute violations of the GENERAL EXPECTATION OF STUDENS

  • Students may not disrupt classes and thereby interfere with their own learning and that of others.

  • The school does not tolerate harm done to the physical or emotional well-being of others, inside or outside the schooL This also includes the threat of such harm.

  • Showing disrespect to any faculty member through words or actions is not acceptable.

  • Students are responsible for the proper care of all school property. Parents will be held financially liable for all damage, whether accidental or intentional, done by their children to school property. In the case of a lost or destroyed textbook, we will not issue or order a replacement textbook until the student's parents have paid for the previous one.
    In case of other property damage, such as damage to school fixtures, the school may not allow the child to return to school until the child's parents have reimbursed the school for the damage. No report cards, recommendations, or transcripts will be issued until all damage and repairs have been paid and damaged textbooks have been paid for as well.

  • Students may not wear hats indoors.
    Students may not chew gum in schooL As general rule, eating and drinking during class are not permitted.

  • Students may not sell anything to others for personal profit. In addition, students may only sell other merchandise if they do so with the school's permission.

  • Geetha Shri does not practice a rigid disciplinary code that calls for a certain response to a certain offense without any regard for the circumstances surrounding it. Disciplinary action includes, but is not limited to, parental notification, counseling by the teacher or princi¬pal, conferences requiring parental presence, community service, financial restitution, suspension from school, and expulsion

  • Students may not bring the following items to school:knives, firearms, fireworks, and weapons, toys representing lethal weapons, illegal substances (including alcohol and tobacco products) or material resembling them. Possession of any of these things will result in confiscation, parental notification, discipline from the school, and possible police notification.

  • During school hours, students may not use electronic devices such as phones, pagers, tablets, music players, and laptops without prior permission from the director; this includes e-readers such as Kindles and Nooks. Electronic devices must be off and out of sight. Teachers and administrators will confiscate misused devices and hold them until a parent comes to pick them up. from school. In deciding how to handle a particular offense, we will consider the severity of the infraction, the causes of the infractions, and the student's own disciplinary history. For example, the nor¬mally polite student who disrupts class one day may have to talk to the teacher after class, while the frequently disruptive students who does the same, may be suspended.