• CBSE in Jadcherla
    Welcome to
    Geetha Shri High School
  • Central Education in Jadcherla
    Central Education in Jadcherla
    your Education in
    Geetha Shri School
    We Teach to Reach the Realistic Goal
  • Learning with fun with Geetha Shri
    Learning with fun with Geetha Shri
We put a little magic into our kids lives We Teach your children moral values and higher education values   +91 9948596361!

Dance & Painting Classes

Dance is the most important cultural activity, we teach to these toddlers.

Yoga Class

Yoga is made a part of their life to enhance their lifestyle from the beginning.

Karate & Sports Class

Sports is a basic lifestyle activity and we teach this to kids from the beginning and One hour of karate burns quite a bit of calories.

Geetha Shri High School
Geetha Shri High School is one of the best and largest high school in Jadcherla.

  • Academic Excellence

    The aim of Geetha Shri High School of Excellence is to provide students with a positive learning.

  • Experienced Faculty

    World class students teacher ration for perfect leaning.

  • A/C Class Rooms

    Learning with cool is the key to educate these kids.

  • Healthy Physical Activities

    Kids get their daily dose of love and care.

  • All Round Development of Child

    Interactive learning through fun activities for toddlers.

  • Only 30 Admissions in each Class

    Every class room limited students at a time.

  • IT Classes

    To make the students understand and master basic concepts in the subjects of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

  • Teaching & Learning Through Computers, LED T.Vs & Projectors also.

    eLearning is open to all students.

  • Bus Facility

    Bus service is also provided with reliable staff.


             Geetha Shri School strives to create an environment. that fosters academic and personal growth. The students have the opportunity to partake in a diverse and advanced academic curriculum based on the classic core subjects: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition students are exposed to competitive and noncompetitive athletics, performing and visual arts and computer access and instruction. The overall program is an intellectually demanding process that prepares students for the increasingly competitive and demanding further education in high school and beyond.

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Admission Policies

  • Geetha Shri High School promotes ethnic and racial diversity throughout the entire school community and seeks intellectually curious students of above-average ability and high moral character. We do not select students with regard to race/colour, creed, or gender. Cast; religion. Admission to the school is based on academic level and aptitude, the ability to work individually and with others, personal interviews & records.

For Parents

  • When on school grounds or interacting with the school and its staff, parents are expected to follow the same general behavior patterns that we require of their children. The school will not tolerate parents who disrupt classes, interfere with children's learning or harass, threaten, or are disrespectful toward staff members. The school can and will expel children whose parents undermine the school's ability to perform its functions.
    Also, if a child is expelled for any reason, parents will remain liable for the entire year's tuition and no refund will be given. Any grievance about academic or otherwise on any faculty may be informed to the Principal They should not deal anything directly with faculty.

What Parent say’s

  • it was a nice feeling while visiting Geetha Shri High School, we felt so welcomed and comfortable. Loved the surroundings like play ground, high tech classes, computer labs, etc.
    - Amrita Reddy

    I appreciated that Geetha Shri High School was so very much about social development and creativity, about active play and exploration.
    - Mamata

    It was an extremely good experience at Geetha Shri High School. the student-friendly atmosphere and learning environment is optimal for all the students as each student receive individual attention. My daughter always gets excited when i rop her off.
    - Devendra Kumar